Wednesday, July 22, 2009


What the fuck is the world coming to? Bitter, tormented, twisted people spreading the love. If you want to be party to the downfall (I'm sick and can't help myself)

I went to the celebrities page, and in a nutshell: actresses get Herpes (I assume from sitting on the casting couch), Musicians get Hep C (didn't apply the 2 Xs water, 2 Xs Bleach, 2 Xs water rule), and Porn Stars - HIV (hazard of the trade). Makes sense. There are a few Journo's chucked in for good measure (maybe a trip to the local sauna while the wife was visiting her parents).

Here is the article commenting on the effects of outing people in public.

All I can say is: what a fucking retard.

And I hope none of you have Bitter Ex's who plan on presenting a dish best served cold.

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